Innovative Technology for Genomic Sample Preparation

INTip DNA Extraction

Robust, high-throughput methods compatible with Hamilton Robotics platforms
  • Revolutionary technology that incorporates a 1 mL tip and needle support design containing proprietary silica media
  • DNA isolation in less than 15 minutes
  • Replaces magnetic beads and magnets
  • Accompanying buffers provided in a matrix specific kit

INTip DNA Cleanup

Compatible with multiple automation platforms to process up to 384 samples
  • Proprietary silica media incorporated within a pipette tip to leverage aspirate-dispense steps to streamline DNA cleanup and size selection
  • Easily automate solid phase reversible immobilization with a bind-wash-elute protocol
  • High-yield recovery and flexibility to optimize aspirate-dispense steps for binding based on desired yield and time constraints
  • Accompanying proprietary buffer system provided with NiXTips in a kit
