SEC: INTip™ Size Exclusion Chromatography

Unique pipette tip design for automated group separation of complex sample mixtures and patent-pending INTip Swelling method.

Data and Performance

BSA and Tartrazine

Absorbance values at 280 nm for protein and 425 nm for tartrazine were performed on a nanodrop one spectrophotometer. Measurements were taken for the starting material (A) after 250 µL sample application (b) and 300 µL elution (C) Results are displayed as the average % protein concentration and average absorbance value of tartrazine at 425 nm.

This short video provides an overview of size exclusion chromatography with pipette tips. The present device and methods were developed to overcome the complexities and time commitment of manual column preparation and centrifugation steps.


How to Order

Choose your format, molecular weight cutoff and tip size to incorporate the amount of gel resin media within SEC tips for sample volumes up to 250 μL. Tips can be manually processed with gravity flow and have a removable cap instead of a piercable barrier.



Molecular Weight Cutoff

1500 Da5000 Da

Tip Size

300 µL1 mL

Sample Volume

50-100 µL100-150 µL150-200 µL200-250 µL

Learn more

Evaluate SEC tips for your desalting and buffer exchange