XTR: INTipTM Solid Phase Extraction (SPE)
INTip SPE utilizes a patented technology known as Dispersive Pipette XTRaction. This device is unique from all other SPE devices because sorbent is loosely contained within a pipette tip.

Product Description
μXTR Tips utilize a proprietary design to provide fast dispersive solid-phase XTRactions with minimal elution volumes for maximum concentration effects. Micro-elution tips are available with 1-3 mg of sorbent and utilize a unique low-retention frit. This allows for elution volumes as low as 25 μL, thereby eliminating time-consuming solvent evaporation steps. Currently this tip is available in Hamilton or Integra formats.
- Same advantages as XTR
- Eliminate solvent evaporation/dry down step
- Increase sensitivity
- Reduce elution volumes to as low as 25 μL for up to 8X concentration factor
- No positive pressure/vacuum manifold
- Compatible with all sorbents with > 50 μm particle size.
Method/Matrix Flexibility
XTR and μXTR tips can be used for cleanup or bind-wash-elute protocols for a wide variety of sample preparation applications. The applications page on our website has details for applications using our tips by industry. We also have a Product Guide by Matrix that can help you determine the use of DPX products.
If you don’t see a specific application listed then please contact us for custom method development! Pipette tips are easy to use and can be integrated with your existing workflow
Dispersive Pipette XTRaction supports:
- Better quality data
- Fewer repeat batches
- Scale production
- Low sample volumes
- Less internal standard, solvent, enzyme, evaporation time & instrument maintenance
Product Description
This technology enables INTip™ chemistry for easy sample preparation by incorporating solid phase extraction within a pipette tip. The disperser helps to perturbate the sample solution and sorbent during aspirate and dispense steps. This mixing provides a highly efficient interaction of the sorbent with the analyte of interest resulting in ideal analyte recoveries.
You can seamlessly integrate dispersive pipette XTRaction into any workflow or method. Pipette tips are available in manual, semi-automated or fully automated formats.
Sorbent chemistry is completely customizable. Depending on the format XTR tips can hold 1 – 100 mg of sorbent.
- Easy Sample Cleanup
- No vacuum manifold
- Custom method development
- Low cost automated solution
- Rapid extraction times
- Sorbent chemistry customization
- Higher analyte recoveries

Product Description
μXTR Tips utilize a proprietary design to provide fast dispersive solid-phase XTRactions with minimal elution volumes for maximum concentration effects. μXTR tips are available with 1-3 mg of sorbent and utilize a unique low-retention frit. This allows for elution volumes as low as 25 μL, thereby eliminating time-consuming solvent evaporation steps. Currently this tip is available in Hamilton or Integra formats.
- Same advantages as XTR
- Eliminate solvent evaporation/dry down step
- Increase sensitivity
- Reduce elution volumes to as low as 25 μL for up to 8X concentration factor
- No positive pressure/vacuum manifold
- Compatible with all sorbents with > 50 μm particle size.
Method/ Matrix Flexibility with INTip Sample Preparation
XTR and μElution XTR tips can be used for cleanup or solid phase extraction protocols for a wide variety of sample preparation applications. The applications page on our website has details for applications using our tips by industry: Clinical, Forensic, Food Safety, Proteomics and Genomics. We also have a product guide by matrix.
If you don’t see a specific application listed then please contact us for custom method development! Pipette tips are easy to use and can be integrated with your existing workflow
Dispersive Pipette XTRaction supports:
- Better quality data
- Fewer repeat batches
- Scale production
- Low sample volumes
- Less internal standard, solvent, enzyme, evaporation time & instrument maintenance
High Quality Sorbents
DPX offers sorbent chemistries in a range of phases to capture unique selectivity for a diverse spectrum of analytes. XTR tips are manufactured to order per custom specifications. They can hold 1 – 100 mg of sorbent depending on the tip format.
Automation Compatibility
XTR tips come in a variety of formats to be used on the most common automated liquid handlers from the companies below. If your automation vendor is not listed here, please contact us to discuss custom options.
- Microlab NIMBUS, STAR, and VANTAGE systems – all sizes and configurations
Pipette Tip Sizes:
- 1 mL, 300 μL, and 300 μL µXTR – (micro-elution tip)
XTR tips for Hamilton utilize the CO-RE® II Technology. Custom method development is available.
- Evolve, Voyager, VIAFLO ASSIST, and VIAFLO96 systems
Pipette Tip Sizes:
- 1250 μL, 300 µL, and 300 μL µXTR – (micro-elution tip)
Pipette Tip Size:
- 1 mL
If you have a Gerstel MPS system and want to try XTR tips please contact Gerstel.

Pipette Tip Size:
- 1 mL and 200 µL

Pipette Tips for Rainin LTS
- 1 mL and 250 µL

Pipette Tip Size:
- 1 mL tips compatible with select Opentrons configurations. Contact us for more information.

Pipette Tip Size:
- 1 mL

Pipette Tip Size:
- 1 mL


Pipette Tip Sizes:
- 1 mL
These tips are epT.I.P.S.® for epMotion

Pipette Tip Sizes:
- 1 mL – Fits most single and multichannel pipettors
- 5 mL – Comes with a syringe for manual use. This is the largest tip offered.

This device drives syringes to create positive and negative pressure to aspirate and dispense solutions in and out of tips. The Pneumatic Extractor can process 24-96 samples at one time.