Automated INTip Size Selection using NiXTips™
Automation Platform: Hamilton Robotics
Solid Phase Reversible Immobilization (SPRI) with magnetic beads has been the gold standard for DNA clean up and size selection in Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) protocols. The use of magnetic beads eliminates the need for centrifugation but has its own inherent draw backs such as bead capture time, bead carryover, bead resuspension and the requirement for magnets. DPX Technologies has developed NiXTips™ that eliminate magnetic beads and magnets for DNA clean up and size selection in NGS library preparations. NiXTips incorporate a proprietary silica media within a pipette tip to utilize aspirate and dispense steps, which streamline DNA recovery while maximizing efficiency. Applications include DNA capture from PCR and enzymatic reaction cleanup, as well as double-sided size selection for sequencing libraries. Results demonstrate almost 100% recovery of DNA depending on target fragment size and buffer composition of the sample. The data presented herein shows that NiXTips simplify workflows while providing high yield of DNA targets.
About NiX Tips
NiX tips provide automated genomic sample preparation for Next Generation Sequencing library preparation methods and other downstream analysis. Our innovative NiX tips utilize a proprietary microporous media and buffer system to facilitate Solid Phase Reversible Immobilization (SPRI) methods and allow for fast and effective removal of primers, primer, dimers, dNTPs, unincorporated labeled nucleotides, enzymes, and salts from PCR and other reaction mixtures.
Learn more about NiX tips used in this method.