MicroPorous Xtraction Technology (MPX)
A revolutionary technology that incorporates a variety of microporous media options for high efficiency workflows for sample preparation.
MPX Device Anatomy
The MPX device utilizes a novel design that combines various microporous media with the benefits of automation for improved sample preparation. The microporous media provides high surface areas required to replace existing large bed SPE, spin column and magnetic bead formats. The device comes as a 3–part unit comprised of an adaptor for Hamilton robotic platforms, a needle support, and the microporous media.
Technology Advantages:
- DNA purification or cleanup
- Small molecule extraction
- Sub-micron filtration
- Protein isolation or removal- coming soon!
MPX Technology on Hamilton Robotics
This video shows the MPX Kit which include the device and accompanying buffers for nucleic acid extraction from whole blood.
Chemistry Options and Applications
Explore current MPX applications and contact us for custom method development.
MPX Device is sold in a rack of 96 with kit components needed for specific applications.
Hamilton Robotics Systems
Funnel plate included in MPX kits. Custom vacuum block sold separately.
Hamilton Nimbus or STAR system