Introduction to INTip™ Solid Phase Extraction
Sample cleanup is important for obtaining quality results for small molecule analysis.
INTip Solid Phase Extraction utilizes a patented Dispersive Pipette XTRaction technology for sample cleanup or bind-wash-elute protocols. Dispersive Pipette XTRaction fosters consistent, high quality data with minimal sample preparation time.
Do you need sample preparation?
You may have a simple dilute and shoot method that seems low cost and easy to implement. However, dilute and shoot methods do not provide the cleanest extract. While dilute and shoot methods are perceived as inexpensive, high-end ultra sensitive instrumentation and increased data analysis time are often required. Dilute and shoot methods may also lead to reduced LC column life, frequent LC-MS/MS maintenance and repeat sample injections. INTip SPE provides a low cost, easy to use solution for improved sensitivity and reduced matrix effects.