MSACL 2020
MSACL Cancelled
In order to keep people as safe as possible during the Corona Virus outbreak, MSACL has decided to cancel the event. We understand the need for precautions to keep people healthy during this time. WHO, the UN Foundation and partners have set up a relief fund to raise support for COVID-19.
If you were interested in our poster presentation, please reach out to us to receive a copy of the application note or check back for a new post on our website.

An improved automated method for the extraction of testosterone in serum was developed using DPX Low Porosity Filtration Tips (LPFT) on a Hamilton MICROLAB® NIMBUS96 system equipped with an automated shaker on the deck. The tip-based method uses a quick (< 2 min) and effective, DPX patent-pending, Tip-on-Tip (ToT) technology that provides an automated alternative to centrifugation and filtration. Analysis was performed with liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS), and calibrations for testosterone were linear over a range of 2.0 ng/dL to 1000 ng/dL with a correlation coefficient of 0.9997.